Learn the Subtleties of Using Nutrients to Treat Anxiety

Don’t let your anxiety hold you back from living your best life anymore!

You know that you can achieve more but you’re afraid to move forward? Learn the Secrets to Reduce Anxiety Naturally with my new course

Nutrients for Anxiety Relief

“Dr. Gil is the most knowledgable and open minded health practitioner I have ever met. My initial concerns were fairly specific but we ended up treating me for underlying issues which have almost miraculously resolved. I’m sleeping, have more energy and my gloomy mindset and subsequent anxiety have lifted. Can’t recommend him enough!” -VL


The challenge

Have you tried nutrients for anxiety only to feel worse?

The SNP genetic tests done by the specialist told them what vitamins you need but it made you feel worse or did nothing. That’s what happened to my patient Sarah. She came to me devastated as she was unable to do anything.

A few months before coming to me, she read online to take methyl folate as she was homozygous for MTHFR. She loathed the way pharmacological drugs made her feel. “I can’t do anything at all on benzos,” she told me.

Initially, Sarah felt a significant boost in her mood and energy taking the folate. But after only two months, her symptoms got worse than ever before. After taking methyl folate for 2 months, she was struggling with severe panic attacks, sleep disorders, excessive irritability and other somatic symptoms. She asked if 5 mg of folate was too much. A more important question is, ‘Should I even take this supplement in the first place?’

There are ways to use nutrients to reduce anxiety without side effects!

Hi, I’m Dr. Gil Winkelman, naturopathic doctor and psychotherapist. With over 20 years of healthcare experience, I have helped thousands of people with mental health issues including anxiety, depression, and OCD improve their lives and feel better without pharmaceuticals. I am trained in the Walsh Protocol, neurofeedback, and trauma modalities and learned the best ways to help people feel better without drugs.

Unfortunately, the role of nutrients to improve health is confusing. All too often I have received messages from people wondering why their vitamins make them feel worse. Why does this happen? Because there is a lot of oversimplified misinformation floating around that needs to be corrected. Everyone is different. And SNP tests do not always have the answers to people’s issues.

Dr Gil can Help

Here’s the Good News. You can improve your mood NATURALLY

That’s why I introduced the Nutrients for Anxiety Relief course that aims to teach you why the simplified information is not the right approach. While this won’t tell you exactly what to take, it will lay out the information based on scientific research and an understanding of epigenetics.

After taking this course, you will have a better idea of what vitamins to take to help you and why. And you will learn what to do if you take something that doesn't agree with you. I intend to give frameworks of profiles of the different types of anxiety and what to do about each.  The advanced class offers more information about different causes of anxiety, the role and limits of testing and the function of vitamins in the body.


I feel better than I have in a long time thanks to the plan Dr. Gil prescribed for my individual needs. Honest communication with your doctor is key, and Dr. Gil is always receptive, which makes things easy.




Dr. Gil is amazing. My daughter is a different person. Thank you so much. 






Take the next step to reduce your anxiety today

Imagine if 6 months from now, you are anxiety free! How awesome would that be. Now the vitamins by themselves do not always fix the problem. Many people require other therapies to feel better. But in my experience, I have found that other therapies, neurofeedback, psychotherapy, and somatic experiencing for example, work much better when people have the physical reasons removed.

The Nutrients for Anxiety Relief is a step-by-step self-paced program where you will be walked through how methylation and epigenetics affect your mood. Simply put, you will understand what your cells need to function better.

Module 1: The Methylation Cycle

Get cycle-smart! Knowing the methylation cycle is the fastest way to understand what vitamins are needed and why. If you’ve been struggling with folate, you’ll learn other ways to affect the methylation cycle directly. You’ll also learn a little about why genetic tests don’t always give you accurate information about your cycle.

Without understanding the methylation cycle, you can’t possible know what vitamins to take to help you feel better.


Module 2: What is Epigenetics?

You may have heard the term epigenetics, but what does it really mean? This module explains what epigenetics is and its relationship to methylation. Through this we go through the details of how being an over or undermethylator is more than just knowing what is happening in your methylation cycle. We’ll also discuss how epigenetics is affected and what vitamins can adjust it. Understanding epigenetics is vital. 

Module 3: Understanding Anxiety and Depression

With the foundation about epigenetics and the methylation cycle, we will explore other causes of mood disorders. For example, did you know that low zinc can change your methylation status? Or that high copper can lead to post-partum depression. We will discuss physical, situational, emotional, and spiritual causes of mood disturbances to gain a better sense of what type of treatment to seek. This module shares other causes of mood issues that have little or nothing to do with methylation.


Module 4: The Role of Testing

Did you know that many lab ranges are wrong? Or what tests might be useful to diagnose mood disorders. We’ll cover what labs to run and the proper ranges for those labs. Also, I’ll cover labs that may be useful, (or not), but tend to not be covered by insurance and may not be as helpful.  This module may be the most valuable in the package

Module 5: The Power of Vitamins

Finally, we’ll look at some of the vitamins and minerals used to treat mood disorders and why they may be helpful. We’ll go through when they are needed, the risks associated with high doses, and why you may be reacting poorly to them.  Knowing what the vitamins do and don’t do is helpful for determining why you might be having a negative response to the supplement.   The most important piece is knowing what to do if you feel worse. 



Very informative. Took time to understand my situation. Great bedside manner.



I appreciate Dr. Gil’s knowledge and his health plans! Thank you!




Take the next step to reduce your anxiety today

Imagine if 6 months from now, you are anxiety free! How awesome would that be. Now the vitamins by themselves do not always fix the problem. Many people require other therapies to feel better. But in my experience, I have found that other therapies, neurofeedback, psychotherapy, and somatic experiencing for example, work much better when people have the physical reasons removed.

The Nutrients for Anxiety Relief is a step-by-step self-paced program where you will be walked through how methylation and epigenetics affect your mood. Simply put, you will understand what your cells need to function better.

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