Histamine is a neurotransmitter. We think of it in terms of allergies but really it has more effects on the brain and nervous system. In fact, it can affect almost any system in the body. In today’s Ask Dr. Gil, I explain the relationship between histamine and epigenetics.
Good evening Dr Gil,
Listened to your podcast and was very interested in over and under methylation. I am recovering from covid19 since being admitted from March 29 2021, thru April 4th 2021into the hospital. Have been dealing with high histamine every day and eating the same diet everyday, low histamine. Very bad insomnia for 1 to 3 days at a time. Dr has prescribed 50 mg hydroxyzine and 10 mg ambien, along with 10mg melatonin. Just started taking 100mg B12 and 400 mg folate for 2 days and am feeling a marked improvement in my body. Also take up to 3000mg ester C, and 2000 mg quercetin among other things and 10mg cetirizine 3 times a day. Wondering if you could suggest or help in any way. Am 60 years old in good health, have lost 40 lbs since dealing with covid19 and histamine intolerance. Presently weigh 205 and holding, need some help to address this situation any help Would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and God bless.
Hi David,
Please call the office or send an email. This is a very complex situation and we are learning more about the effects of COVID on the body long-term.