Today we have a special guest on Ask Doctor Gil. Esther Prelog joins Dr. Gil to discuss Reactive Attachment Disorder or RAD. RAD is a more common than previously believed and presents some tricky aspects to treatment. There’s a lot of misinformation about RAD leading to misdiagnosis at times. While Dr. Gil works with the biochemical and neurological pieces of RAD, there is a definitely need for psychotherapy, trauma work, and emotional healing to recover. Starting treatment early is extremely important to improving outcomes.
The first workshop will focus on pyroluria. What is pyroluria? It’s a sign of oxidative stress that when it arises can lead to many physical and emotional issues. You can learn more about it here.
Dr. Gil also offers online consultations for most mental/emotional health issues including RAD, ODD, OCD, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, and others.
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