What if you could use vitamins and minerals to cure mental illness? Autism, schizophrenia, ADHD, anxiety, depression, and behavior problems all gone or improved supplements. Too good to be true? In this case, no! The Walsh Protocol is a scientifically based formula to help alleviate the symptoms of mental illness. I have worked with hundreds of cases that have improved or completely disappeared by this simple approach. And there are fewer side effects and danger as compared to pharmaceuticals. So what is the approach. Listen to the podcast to find out more. You can learn more about becoming a telemedicine patient.
I am desperate to get some answers I am in the er weekly throwing up daily or nauseated and weak from not keeping food down .
I have been in wirh iv drips so many times nf on all of the nausea medications had a endoscope showed inflammation on esphugais and hiatial hernia medium in my stomach .
I am weak lethearfic chills and so tired daily .
The doctors seem like they don’t care or know what’s to do because my blood work looks fine I am co atiapted more than not I am doing coffee enimas and am in a haze. Daily can’t work I’m on the couch most all days gaging dry heaving throwing off bile feel like I’m going crazy and dying a slow death really .everyone tells me to calm down. Don’t stress this is the scariest time in my life .
I need help desperately inam in this alone please help me please .
Hi Tara,
Sorry to hear that you are struggling so much. I don’t know if I can help or not but mostly likely this would require an office visit. Feel free to call but I’ll have my office manager reach out too.
TARA! I suffered decades with CVS (Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome). You sound like you are experiencing what I did. I firmly believe these people can help you by addressing methylation, which I believe has given me a whole host of problems my entire life (including a “schizophrenia” diagnosis, too). Follow through with this. I am beginning to find answers after a lifetime of suffering. Good Luck.
Thanks for your comments on the Walsh Protocol. I read the book Nutrient Power and have been checking zinc/copper/b6/b12 on all my patients. I have a 58 year old with chronic pain, chronic fatigue and chronic insomnia, with depression and schizoaffective disorder. Full workup revealed normal everything (histamine, CBC-D, comprehensive metabolic panel) except for low zinc, borderline low B6. I checked urine porphyrins and he had elevated coproporphyrin II. I thought “AHA!, I’ve got it! He has pyroluria!” and put him on anti-inflammatory diet/supplements, B6, and zinc. His levels are too low for a diagnosis of porphyria, at least based on the expert I sent him to.
He hasn’t improved one bit. I’ve referred him to DNRS CBT programs, even tried hydroxycholoroquine, but not improvement. Any thought’s on what you would do or if you have had a similar case?
Hi Carla,
Apologies for the delay in response. I supsect there gould be a few things going on. For one, pyroluria may only be a symptom of something larger. Also, you may not be giving enough zinc and/or B6 to have an effect
Is pyroluria sometimes misdiagnosed as a personality disorder
I suppose it could be though generally a personality disorder doesn’t respond to treatment.
My son, a schizophrenic, is following Walsh protocol. Through blood work I understand that he is under_methylated. I am giving same, calcium, methionine and magnesium as per Walsh protocol. We are in India. Please give me your contact phone number so that I can talk to you in detail.
You can use the contact page at https://askdrgil.com/schedule to reach out.