We talked some about the adrenals glands last week. This week I want to explore the adrenals in more depth and discuss some of the aspects of how we know they are out of balance.
Restore your heart-body-brain balance for optimal health
We talked some about the adrenals glands last week. This week I want to explore the adrenals in more depth and discuss some of the aspects of how we know they are out of balance.
The adrenal glands play an important role in balancing many functions in the body. They work on fight/flight, blood sugar, sleep, and many other functions. Today on Ask Dr. Gil, I talk about the adrenal glands, what they do and how they work a bit. I also give a brief overview of what it takes to heal them.
Hair analysis is a simple and inexpensive test that can be used to discover a lot about one’s health. We can get a sense of what imbalances are in the body and maybe why they are there. Heavy metals can be detected too. But is it accurate and safe? In this episode of Ask Dr. Gil, I explore hair analysis, its efficacy and how it can be useful in medicine.
Undermethylation is a problem that affects millions of Americans. Treatment is simple in most cases though there is much misunderstanding about the most effective ways to treat the condition. In today’s Ask Dr. Gil’s podcast, I discuss the best ways to treat undermethyalation and why genetic tests may not be the best approach at this time to determine if you’re undermethylated.
NOTE: No sooner had I published this that Dr. Walsh announced something that is an exception to this rule. If you are pregnant please take folate even if you are undermethylated. It is best to be tested for your methylation status prior to pregnancy.
Copper and zinc are extremely important for many functions in the body. Balance between them is crucial for optimal mental and physical health. In this Ask Dr. Gil episode, Dr. Gil Winkelman discusses the effects of copper imbalance and the importance of zinc to many functions in the body.
Heavy metals are all over. Recently, cadmium and arsenic levels were found to be 49x and 150x high normal levels respectively, in Portland, Oregon. How dangerous is this exposure to the residents? How do you know if there’s a problem? What can you do about it? In this week’s episode of AskDrGil, Dr. Gil talks about this and heavy metals toxicity in general.
Histamine is a neurotransmitter. We think of it in terms of allergies but really it has more effects on the brain and nervous system. In fact, it can affect almost any system in the body. In today’s Ask Dr. Gil, I explain the relationship between histamine and epigenetics.
Anxiety is a powerful sensation. For many people it indicates imbalances in the body that are physiologic. These people benefit from supplementation and other interventions to help balance things. But other people don’t have a physical problem. The anxiety arises because of something deeper. In today’s Ask Dr. Gil podcast, I discuss how anxiety may arise as part of a struggle between ego and soul. Sometimes anxiety arises because we are learning to grown into a larger sense of who we are.
Mindfulness is quickly becoming a big industry in the United States. A recent NY Times article estimates that the market it quickly approaching $1 Billion. Is it just a fad? Or is there something to be gained from the techniques that Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey recommend? In today’s Ask Dr. Gil podcast, Dr. Gil explores the health benefits of mindfulness and discusses if buying one of the products available is necessary.
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This is the second part of how to improve your health with gratitude. In this podcast, I talk more about the gratitude practice and how it affects your cells. Epigenetics is the science of how the environment affects our DNA expression. is an important aspect of how DNA works in the body. Cells turn on and off in response to messages sent to the body. To better able to use epigenetics, we need to have a gratitude practice.
(Please note that the sound on this is a little off as I was getting over an illness.)