Pyro-what? What is this pyroluria? The word pyroluria is a combination of pyrrole and urine. It refers to a molecule that shows up in the urine in most people. Pyrroles are molecules that are created from incomplete breakdown of red blood cells. Many kids with Reactive Attachment Disorder or RAD Disorder have pyroluria. Behavior problems can disappear with simple natural treatments. Pyrrole Disorder symptoms are diverse. In this episode of Ask Dr. Gil, Dr. Gil discusses what pyroluria is and what causes it. Dr. Gil also announces he is working on a new book and is looking for feedback on ideas and input to exercises that may be helpful. You can email him at
What you Need to Know About Getting Pyroluria Disorder Symptoms
Pyroluria is more common than previously though. Pyro-what? What is this disease? The word pyroluria is a combination of pyrrole and urine. It refers to a molecule that shows up in the urine in most people. There are different things that can cause pyroluria. For many people, pyroluria treatment can be life changing. And many kids with Reactive Attachment Disorder or RAD Disorder have pyroluria. Behavior problems can disappear with simple natural treatments. Pyrrole Disorder symptoms are diverse. Let’s explore what pyrrole disorder is and what the symptoms look like.
Pyroluria is a condition that leads to an incomplete breakdown of red blood cells. This causes the formation of small molecules called kryptopyrroles that bind to zinc and B6 in the body. As a result, the body registers a deficiency of both those nutrients. There are many theories about what causes pyroluria but the reality is that we don’t know. It is definitely a sign of inflammation in the body. Some of the possible causes are as follows:
- Genetics. Pyroluria does seem to run in families. I have tested kids who are siblings where both have had it many times. But not all the time. If a relative suffered from depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, alcholism, or another mental health condition, get tested.
- Childhood Trauma. There may be an epigenetic component to the condition. Trauma may cause a rise in inflammation in the body and lead to this condition.
- Chronic infection. It is difficult to know if the problem exists because of the infection or if the lack of zinc leads to poor immunity.
- Alcoholism of the sufferer or parents.
- Environmental toxicity. Heavy metal poisoning in particular could play a factor in the cause of pyroluria.
- Processed foods. A standard American diet of processed foods and sugar can stress the body out and lead to absorption problems.
Stress may be a trigger to pyroluria or it could be a result of it. It is not clear at the moment.
What are Pyrrole Disorder Symptoms?
Pyroluria has some distinct symptoms. I have a questionnaire that helps people determine if they have the condition. Most of the symptoms that I see in my practice revolve around mental health problems. But many people experience problems with other areas of the body. Let’s start with the mental health symptoms first though.
Mentally, people feel stressed. There is a high amount of severe inner tension or anxiety. Tolerance to stress is low. For example, someone who easily stresses out with minimal traffic may have pyroluria. Social withdrawal is common as is sensitivity to crowds.
But more severe mental health symptoms exist too. There can be periods of mild to severe depression followed by hyperactivity. Episodic anger outbursts or other mood swings are common. Panica attacks or severe anxiety. They may enjoy an argument but be upset by criticism. In severe cases, pyrolurics may hallucinate or have delusion disorder.
Physical symptoms also exist though. Here’s a partial list:
- Fatigue easily likely due to nervous exhaustion.
- Insomnia.
- Poor dream recall
- Ringing in the ears.
- Digestive disturbances including irritable bowel, abdominal pain, and frequent gas and bloating. (They may have tried avoiding meat as a way to deal but this actually makes the problems worse as we’ll see.)
- Gluten intolerance
- Blood sugar control. There may be hypoglycemia with blood sugar drops.
- Allergies to food or the environment
- Frequent illnesses
- Morning nausea and poor appetite in the morning. They may skip breakfast.
There are some people who have few of these symptoms but may still have pyroluria. You may have done blood work for zinc for example and shown that it is normal but still have symptoms of zinc deficiency. This is typically caused by pyrrole disorder. So what can you do? My article about pyroluria gives suggestions but the short answer is get tested! I can do pyroluria testing and help develop a custom treatment plan via telemedicine services. Call today to learn more.
RAD Disorder: What is It? How Common? And How to Treat?
What is RAD Disorder? RAD stands for Reactive Attachment Disorder. It is becoming more commonplace over time. Many factors contribute to this increase. In this episode of Ask Dr. Gil, I discuss how RAD is becoming more common and who to recognize it. RAD is not very well understood. It is often confused with other disorders.
So what is RAD Disorder? How do we treat it? Give a listen to find out more.
How You Can Get Results from Confidential Telehealth Services for Mental Health
People from all over the world contact me for online doctor consultations. They or their loved ones have different problems. Anxiety, ADD, oppositional defiance, OCD, RAD, autism, and depression are some of those problems. They want to know if can I help them using a natural approach without their coming to see me in Portland, Oregon. Do I offer telehealth services for mental health? The short answer is, sometimes, yes! Insurance may or may not cover it. And I have certain restrictions on how I can help, for sure. But telemedicine is the wave of the future, and may be a good approach for many people. What does this process look like?
Telemedicine services or telepsychiatry is like having an in-person appointment. We can have our appointment on the phone or via HIPAA-compliant video. For most of the diagnoses and/or symptoms I listed above, telemedicine works great. You schedule an appointment and fill out the paperwork. I review the paperwork before the appointment. I have you get labs based on the Walsh Protocol to find what the imbalance may be. Any imbalance found allows me to treat with supplements.
Telemedicine services are a great option for many patients. Most of my patients don’t live in places that have access to alternative providers. And my approach is truly unique. I have seen amazing progress with patients using “just” nutrient therapy. It’s not just taking a bunch of random supplements. It’s a targeted approach to balancing out the body. The combination of the intake paperwork and labs helps me determine the right supplements. In general, we do follow-up appointments every 4-6 weeks, depending upon the case, to make sure you are progressing well.
There are many things, though, that I cannot treat using telemedicine without another doctor’s help. In these cases, I can act as a health consultant. Any time a physical exam is required, you will need to visit your local physician. For example, many digestive ailments need a physical exam and/or imaging for proper diagnosis. While I can assist with naturopathic treatments using telemedicine services, I likely couldn’t diagnose. Some patients may also need neurofeedback or other services. These require a trip to my office or seeing a local provider. In some cases, I can give a referral depending upon where you live.
Also, sometimes other natural therapies are required to treat the problem. In this case, I have other approaches such as biotherapeutic drainage and botanical medicine to assist you.
Find out more about telehealth services for mental health and whether they are right for you or your family member. Call my office today.
What Your Adrenals May be Telling You
We talked some about the adrenals glands last week. This week I want to explore the adrenals in more depth and discuss some of the aspects of how we know they are out of balance.
How to Know if You have Adrenal Fatigue
The adrenal glands play an important role in balancing many functions in the body. They work on fight/flight, blood sugar, sleep, and many other functions. Today on Ask Dr. Gil, I talk about the adrenal glands, what they do and how they work a bit. I also give a brief overview of what it takes to heal them.
How you can Start to Feel Better Using Hair Analysis
Hair analysis is a simple and inexpensive test that can be used to discover a lot about one’s health. We can get a sense of what imbalances are in the body and maybe why they are there. Heavy metals can be detected too. But is it accurate and safe? In this episode of Ask Dr. Gil, I explore hair analysis, its efficacy and how it can be useful in medicine.
What You Need to Know About Treating Undermethylation
Undermethylation is a problem that affects millions of Americans. Treatment is simple in most cases though there is much misunderstanding about the most effective ways to treat the condition. In today’s Ask Dr. Gil’s podcast, I discuss the best ways to treat undermethyalation and why genetic tests may not be the best approach at this time to determine if you’re undermethylated.
NOTE: No sooner had I published this that Dr. Walsh announced something that is an exception to this rule. If you are pregnant please take folate even if you are undermethylated. It is best to be tested for your methylation status prior to pregnancy.
What you Need to Know about How Copper and Zinc affect your Health
Copper and zinc are extremely important for many functions in the body. Balance between them is crucial for optimal mental and physical health. In this Ask Dr. Gil episode, Dr. Gil Winkelman discusses the effects of copper imbalance and the importance of zinc to many functions in the body.
What You Need to Know About Heavy Metals
Heavy metals are all over. Recently, cadmium and arsenic levels were found to be 49x and 150x high normal levels respectively, in Portland, Oregon. How dangerous is this exposure to the residents? How do you know if there’s a problem? What can you do about it? In this week’s episode of AskDrGil, Dr. Gil talks about this and heavy metals toxicity in general.